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We are recruiting lab members at all levels including postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, masters students, and research technicians. We are committed to providing a supportive research environment with a strong emphasis on mentorship to ensure your future success.

Positions are available to study molecular mechanisms that maintain genomic stability after DNA damage. Studies will involve multi-disciplinary approaches including cell biology, biochemistry, proteomics, and functional genomics. Current projects focus on factors that regulate the repair of stalled replication forks. Among such factors is the ubiquitin ligase RFWD3, whose mutation causes the cancer predisposition syndrome Fanconi Anemia. Other projects include elucidation of pathways involved in DNA damage modulation of immune signaling.

The laboratory has strong ties throughout MGH and Harvard Medical School, and it belongs to a vibrant DNA damage community at the MGH cancer center. It is part of the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and Department of Radiation Oncology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Interested candidates should send your CV and a description of your research experience and interests to:

Andrew Elia, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
Harvard Medical School
Associate Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard